Online community composting course launched by ILSR

A new online course from the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) will support the expansion of locally-based composting initiatives at community gardens, farms, schools and other sites, the organization said.

The Community Composting 101 Online Certificate Course will provide a thorough overview of how to compost, and is specifically designed for small-sized composters operating in community settings.

“Local composting solutions can be implemented quickly, can be scaled up and can engage and educate citizens, all while supporting broader composting efforts and local agriculture,” said Linda Bilsens Brolis, of ILSR’s Composting for Community Initiative. “We created this virtual course to make our training more accessible to anyone interested in starting their own community composting initiative.”

The Community Composting 101 Online Certificate Course encompasses seven self-paced modules:

Module 1 – The What & Why of Composting

Module 2 – Composting Systems & The Role of Community Composting

Module 3 – Composting Fundamentals & Recipe Development

Module 4 – Building a Compost Pile

Module 5 – Managing the Composting Process

Module 6 – Site Design & Management

Module 7 – Getting Started & Engaging the Community

The new course is part of ILSR’s Neighborhood Soil Rebuilders Composter Training Program, which is supporting small and community-based composters around the country to succeed, troubleshoot on their own, and produce high-quality compost. Bulk discounts are available for groups enrolling together.

ILSR’s Composting for Community Initiative is advancing composting to enhance local soils, support local food production, cut waste and greenhouse gas emissions, and create community development opportunities. Its focus is to catalyze distributed food waste composting options – home, community, and on-farm composting – in addition to larger facilities by identifying and sharing best practices and lessons learned from practitioners on the ground.

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