
TR5300EM trommel screen

Vermeer introduces TR5300EM electric trommel screen

Geared toward compost, topsoil and wood waste operations, Vermeer has expanded its electric-powered recycling product line with the addition of the new TR5300EM trommel screen. The new trommel screen is powered by an industrial-duty, fan-cooled…

Vermeer TR6400 Trommel

Vermeer introduces TR6400 trommel screen

Vermeer continued to expand its trommel screen product line with the introduction of the new TR6400 model, which is capable of separating up to 180 cubic yards (137.6 cu m) of material per hour with…

Product News: Pronar PT-7X trommel from Bandit

The Pronar PT-7X trommel screen, built by Pronar and exclusively distributed by Bandit Industries, features a rotating 6’ 6.75”-foot diameter and 23’ 7.5” long sieving drum that can be replaced without requiring extensive work, Bandit…